Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Eating your words......never causes indigestion



A hard artic wind blows frost that falls like snow, and levels the land as it pushing snow and thereby filling the hollows.



Anthracnose causes large irregular brown or black lesions along the midrib, veins, or on the margins of the leaves of broadleafed trees. Anthracnose is not a single disease. It is a loose classification of diseases caused by several fungi. These are grouped together on the basis of similar microscopic characteristics and because they cause similar symptoms. Anthracnose fungi on sycamore and occasionally, oak may also cause twig and branch cankers.

Established trees in good condition can tolerate foliar anthracnose. Raking up leaves in the fall and removing them from the area of the tree may help reduce infection next year. When these leaves are added to the compost pile, add nitrogen or vegetation with a nitrogen content to assure that the compost will heat up enough to kill the pathogen.

Fungicidal control measures should be considered if a tree is repeatedly defoliated in any one year, if a tree is defoliated in more than one consecutive growing season, or if a tree is under stress or in decline from other causes. To be effective, fungicidal sprays must be started at leaf emergence, well before the symptoms are seen. When anthracnose causes more serious problems (especially on sycamores), management should be developed on a case by case basis depending on the severity of the problem and the needs of the owner.

Another problem associated with oaks is iron deficiency. Check out our link concerning chloratic oaks on the Greenscape Gardens website.




Composting has been around since the first civilized people piled up their trash. However, when the earth was not heavily populated, a little trash did not seem important. Now we are producing great amounts of trash and composting has become important for reducing at least a portion of the waste stream. Vegetation matter is one of the most recyclable portions of waste. Home gardeners, landowners and municipalities can do a lot to reduce the accumulation of plant materials by composting them.

Composting is not a difficult or highly technical process. However, there are times when the process may not function properly. Successful composting is based on proper moisture, aeration and other environmental conditions.

Green plants are largely composed of carbon and water. The carbon accumulates from the process known as photosynthesis during which carbon dioxide in the air becomes part of the plant with the resulting release of oxygen into the air.

Certain bacteria, align with fungi and other organisms, are responsible for decomposing organic materials. These organisms require large amounts of nitrogen to function properly and achieve rapid decomposition. While the decomposition process is taking place, the nitrogen is tied up and not available for other functions. This is the same process that occurs when large amounts of organic matter are added to a garden, but not enough nitrogen is available. Plants growing in these conditions will be starved for nitrogen since the microorganisms breaking down the organic materials will keep the plants from getting it. Plants will look stunted and pale green.

For additional information concerning composting and its benefits check: http://www.howtocompost.org/



Torn or stripped bark is the result of limbs being violently broken from the tree by wind or branches falling from above. To improve appearance and eliminate hiding places for insects, carefully use a chisel or sharp knife to smooth ragged edges of dead or dying bark.

Remove the bark back to the point at which it is attached to the tree. Try not to expose any more cambium (inner bark). Shaping the tear into an ellipse has more aesthetic value than effect on the wound closure, and if you use this traditional method, round the ends to prevent dieback of the cambium at these points. Keep the wound as narrow as you can to hasten wound closing.

For additional information concerning the care of your trees check out: http://www.arborday.org/programs/treecityusa.cfm



Working people frequently ask retired folks what they do to make their days interesting...

My dad went to the store the other day. He was in there for only about five minutes. When I came out there was a cop writing out a parking ticket.

He went up to him and said, "Come on, buddy, how about giving a senior a break?"

He ignored him and continued writing the ticket. He called him several obnoxious names. The cop glared at him and started writing another ticket for having worn tires.

So my dad continued calling him other obnoxious names. The cop finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first.

Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more my father abused him the more tickets he wrote.

My dad didn't care. His car was parked around the corner and this one had a "Kerry-Edwards" bumper sticker on it.

He was simply trying to have a little fun (at someone else's expense) now that he's retired.

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