Wednesday, August 31, 2005


If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.

Start off every day with a smile and get it over with.



Greenscape Gardens will donate $1.00 to the Salvation Army and Red Cross Relief Fund for every mum sold this fall. We have grown 10,000 mums, so we anticipate your generosity in reaching our goal of $10,000 to the Katrina Relief Fund. We will accept additional donations which will be forwarded on a weekly basis. Let's show that St. Louis gardeners are very generous.



Damage from white grubs will begin to appear as homelawns begin to dry out and show signs of moisture stress. Currently grubs are still small. If diagnosed early, control measures targeted at early developing grubs are effective. As the grubs grow and become more mature insecticide applications become less effective.

If turf areas begin to show symptoms of moisture stress. The areas that are most susceptible to grub damage are areas in full sun next to sidewalks and driveways where heat buildup is the greatest. Grub damage appears as large patchy areas. To check for grub damage try peeling back the sod. If the sod is easily peeled back, as if sheared off at the root system, grubs are most likely the primary cause. Dig down into the soil to see if the grubs are present. Grubs like to feed at the thatch/soil interface. The grubs should appear a clear to whitish color with a brown head and legged.



September is the optimum time for reseeding or seeding lawns in the St. Louis area. It is good time to remember the golden rule in seeding. Site preparation or renovation should be based on one rule, which is providing good seed/soil contact. Management practices that are done to provide the necessary seed-soil contact will increase the success of the operation.

As a general rule when renovating a lawn 30% of the lawn should be exposed. Exposing 30% of the lawns soil is a good rule when renovation consists of dethatching. A common failure in dethatching is that not enough of the thatch is removed. Seeding into thatchy areas where soil contact is not achieved will most likely result in failure.

After preparing the site, seed is often applied with a drop spreader or rotary spreader. The site should be lightly rolled to push the seed into contact with the soil. If the site cannot be adequately prepared (or even if it is) applying seed via a slit-seeder is an effective means of getting the necessary seed/soil contact.

Check out last week's blog on Lawn renovation for additional information concerning seeding. OR Check out our website concerning renovation.


Seven Steps to a Healthier, More Productive Workplace

The American Education Campaign, Plants at Work, and Healthy Plants in the Workplace have developed a 7 Step Plan to make any workplace greener and healthier.

According to both groups, plants in the workplace cut down health problems and stress. This is reflected in a significant reduction in absence due to illness and an improvement in the performance and productivity of staff across several studies.

1. Creating support
2. Establishing structures
3. Identifying needs
4. Developing a plan
5. Implementing the plan
6. Evaluating plants policy
7. Modifying and embedding the policy

1. Creating support.
Support from senior management and key staff is a prerequisite for introducing a new policy. Therefore highlight the importance of plants in the workplace with the aid of appropriate examples, research results and informative material (see: Also involve the people responsible for health policy in the plan for formulating a plants policy, for example representatives of the human resource department, occupational health and safety representatives.

2. Establishing structures.

The next step is to establish an organizational structure for the development and implementation of a plants policy. Check who needs to be involved in this, who is already interested and whether there are any initiatives already underway in this area.

3. Identifying needs.

For this you need to draw up an inventory of the number of plants in the company and the plant types involved. Pay special attention to workplaces, which are close to sources of harmful substances such as printers and other machines. Also identify the locations of employees who display the symptoms of illnesses associated with poor working environments.

4. Developing a plan.

In this phase you decide which activities you will carry out this year. Use the information from Step 3 to identify priorities and then draw up a timetable for carrying out the activities and a program setting out who will do what and when.

5. Implementing the plan.

You can do this through the company's existing channels of communication such as employee consultation, Internet, the company newsletter, a staff meeting and the information provided to new employees. Pay additional attention to the start of the activities, and ensure information about the activities and any interim results is provided regularly.

6. Evaluating plants policy.

Establish how many healthy plants have been added, whether the plants are being properly cared for, how many people attended the briefings and awareness of the scheme generally, and ask about staff motivation. In the longer term the effects on absence due to illness can also be included, so that you gain an insight into the costs and benefits of the project. Produce a report with recommendations for further activities and suggestions for improvements.

7. Modifying and embedding the policy.

Health policy is really never 'finished.' Nor is a plant policy. A one-time activity, which involves placing plants everywhere, is not enough. The results of the evaluation should be used to modify and 'fine tune' the plan.

Plants at Work and Healthy Plants in the Workplace are education campaigns designed to educate professionals and the public about the vital benefits of plants in the workplace. Plants at Work is supported, in part by PLANET (Professional Landcare Network) and independent firms across the country. Healthy Plants in the Workplace is financed with the support of the European Union.

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